Policy No. F. 4.00

Date of Issue 3/21/2018

大学认识到某些情况是灵活的, part-time, and reduced schedule work arrangements may be appropriate and in the best interests of the University and beneficial to employees.

灵活的工作安排提供了在非传统工作时间完成工作的替代方法, locations, and/or job structures, 它们通常应该是临时使用的.[1] University rules, policies, 在任何灵活的工作安排期间,程序仍然有效.

Typical flexible work options include flextime (i.e.(灵活的开始、停止和午餐时间)或在异地工作. 这些安排必须支持本单位的目标,并且必须事先得到有关单位领导的批准. 大学可能会指定一段试用期,以确定拟议的灵活工作安排是否可行.

大学也可以设计职位,以减少他们的工作时间低于正常时间, full-time work week hours (38.75)允许少于12个月的工作安排(例如.e., 9 or 10 month appointment). Decisions will be driven by the needs of the business unit and are subject to the approval of the supervisor and unit Vice Provost/President or Dean.

This policy shall take effect on of June 1, 2018. 本政策或其任何部分可由大学自行决定更改. This policy is not intended to apply to employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement as the terms and conditions of employment for such employees are governed by their respective collective bargaining agreements.

[1]Separate and distinct from this policy, 根据《威尼斯人平台》,这些安排也可以被评估为合理的便利, as amended (“ADA”), 以及根据《威尼斯人平台》(“FMLA”)请假。. In such instances, the time period allowed for such accommodation/leave will be determined on a case-by-case basis and in accordance with applicable law. See policies on the ADA and FMLA, which is set forth in the Employment Practices section of this Handbook.)



Working Remotely

An employee requesting to work from an off-site location on a regularly scheduled work day must make the request at least two business days in advance, 除非紧急情况阻止通知. 该请求必须以书面形式提出,并得到员工直接主管的书面批准. 只有在(i)需要和/或分配的工作可用时才会批准, (ii) this work can be performed at the location, and (iii) completion of the work is verifiable. 这项工作必须是实质性的,并且占用的时间与员工在正常工作地点的时间相同. 如果没有批准,员工没有来上班, 然后,员工必须利用可用的休假时间来弥补缺勤. 能够在有限的时间内异地工作, generally days, 除非在雇员的工作描述中另有规定. 员工仍有义务遵守所有大学的规则,政策和程序.

The University is not responsible for insuring or maintaining the functionality of the employee’s equipment that is located at the off-site location, nor is the University liable for any malfunctions of non-University hardware or software or disruptions in Internet services while the employee is performing work.  所有这些责任完全由雇员承担. However, 当员工远程工作时,学校将为学校拥有的设备提供合理的支持.

只有在特殊情况下,才会考虑非豁免员工在非现场工作的批准. Considerations include: the ability to monitor hours worked when the employee is not at the main work site as well as productivity and completion of assignments. 如果非豁免雇员的弹性工作安排被批准, the University remains bound by all federal, state, and local wage and hour laws. In particular, according to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), non-exempt employees, including those on a flexible work arrangement, 谁每周工作超过40小时, 加班费必须是1.5美元.5)每周实际工作超过四十(40)小时的,按正常时薪计算. 非豁免员工必须记录工作时间,无论他们在哪里工作.

如果非豁免雇员在工作周内工作时间超过正常安排的时间, but less than forty (40) hours in a workweek, the employee is paid at the straight hourly rate. 《威尼斯人官网平台》不允许私营机构用补偿性休假代替加班费(如.e.,员工不能将加班时间“存入银行”以换取将来的休假时间。).

As a matter of policy and practice, 学校不允许豁免雇员有“补偿时间”, whereby the employee maintains a bank of hours. 豁免雇员是按全部工作支付工资的,因此不受每小时的限制. Therefore, 工作时间超过正常计划的雇员不会获得额外工资. However, in such situations, the supervisor may allow the employee to work fewer hours in a particular work day or workweek in recognition of the extra hours worked.

Permission to allow employees to work remotely in accordance with these provisions is not intended to have any impact on the employee’s salary or benefits. 员工将需要报告时间和提交时间表符合适用的政策和做法, 工资和福利的支付和应计应符合适用的政策和惯例.



大学的核心营业时间为上午8:30.m. – 5:00 p.m.; however, a supervisor may allow or require an employee to flex their start and end time to accommodate personal commitments or departmental needs. Requests to accommodate personal commitments are to be considered in light of the department’s needs and goals and may be denied if they do not fit within the business necessity of the unit.

Flextime arrangements allow for the shifting of daily start and end times within the normal five- day work week and are not to be used to condense an employee’s work week (i.e., work a 38.75 hour week over four days).  However, subject to compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local wage and hour laws, including, without limitation, those expressly discussed above, 主管可以要求或批准其他时间表, including compressed work weeks, 只有在必要时才能解决单位的运营需要,而不是为了满足员工的个人偏好. For example, 如果一个单位的高峰时间是从上午9点到下午6点,一周有四天, 主管可能会决定在第五天减少工作时间.  All flextime arrangement schedules are subject to the approval of the Vice Provost/President or Dean and should only be granted in exceptional cases. 这项政策中没有任何鼓励或允许“夏季工作时间”的意思。.

在弹性工作安排下工作的雇员仍然可以随意受雇, 这意味着员工或大学可以在任何时间以任何理由终止雇佣关系, with or without advance notice. 如果在任何时候,灵活的工作安排不再满足员工的目的或大学的需要, the arrangement may be discontinued.  If, for any reason, the flexible work arrangement is terminated, 员工决定不回到员工以前的传统工作时间表/安排,并离开该职位, 该员工将被视为已辞职.

The granting of flextime arrangements to employees in accordance with these provisions is not intended to have any impact on the employee’s salary or benefits. 员工将需要报告时间和提交时间表符合适用的政策和做法, 工资和福利的支付和应计应符合适用的政策和惯例.


Part-Time Work (less than 38.75 hours per week)

Depending on the needs, work flow, and/or operations of particular business units, 某些职位可能不需要全职工作, meaning 38.75 hours per week. 在这种情况下,这些职位可能会转为兼职,也就是少于38个.75 hours per week. 豁免或非豁免职位都有资格过渡. Positions may be so transitioned either at the discretion of the supervisor or upon agreement between the supervisor and the employee, 但无论哪种情况,都要得到所在单位副教务长/校长或院长的批准. 尽管人们普遍预计,当职位无人占据时,职位会如此过渡, 如果情况需要,在某一职位已被占用时进行此种过渡, 然后,主管应适当通知(至少60天)员工即将进行过渡. 当职位从全职转变为兼职时,员工占据了这些职位, they can elect not to continue in their respective positions as of the last day it remains a full-time position if the employee does not want to work part-time.  计划与大学终止雇佣关系的员工被要求提供至少两周的通知.

寻求兼职安排的员工必须与他们的主管讨论这个选择, 和主管必须获得其单位的副教务长/校长或院长的最终批准. The University is not obligated to provide a part-time work arrangement; however, if such is approved, a written agreement signed by the employee, supervisor and Vice Provost/President or Dean, 必须制定文件,以记录所有相关方之间的理解. 该协议应包括:安排的细节.e., job responsibilities, working hours, communication requirements, start date, 协议期限及终止条款). Mutually agreed to transitions to part-time work may take effect on any date so long as that date is at the start of a regular pay period, and no specific notice is required. 在制订这些协定时应与人力资源部协商,并将保留这些协定的副本.

当考虑为非豁免雇员安排兼职工作时, the University remains bound by all federal, state, and local wage and hour laws. In particular, according to the FLSA, 非豁免雇员按工作时间支付工资, 如果他们每周工作超过40小时, 这些工作时间的加班费为1.5美元.5) times their regular hourly rate of pay. 非豁免员工必须记录所有工作时间.  It is the University’s expectation that circumstances will rarely be such that a part-time employee will need to work more than forty (40) hours in any given week.

Exempt employees are paid for the total job, 这些员工的薪酬将根据他们计划工作的小时数按比例分配. However, transitioning a position from full-time to part-time could affect its status as exempt under the FLSA; therefore, 人力资源部门需要在职位转换完成之前核实该职位是否仍然是免税的.  假设该职位在转为兼职后仍然是免税的, this would mean, for example, for employees who were earning $50,将工作时间减少到80%(每周31小时), then their prorated new salary would be $40,000.  因为非豁免雇员只按实际工作时间支付工资, no proration will occur; non-exempt employees who transition from full-time to part-time will simply experience a reduction in their pay that corresponds to the reduction in hours actually worked.

It is not the intent of this policy to allow units to use the aggregated saving from transitioning multiple positions to part-time to create a new position to cover the gap left by the reduced hours. Nor is it the intent to increase the workload of remaining employees and use the savings from reduced positions to increase salaries of those employees, but rather, 在审查了工作的工作量和职责之后, 一个FTE可以在不到38分钟内完成.75 hours per week.

本政策所规定的兼职工作不包括每周全职工作(38.75 hours) in less than five days.

从全职转到兼职的员工会, as of the date the transition takes effect, 按照适用于兼职员工的政策和惯例领取和积累福利.


Reduced Schedule Work

Depending on the needs, work flow, and/or operations of particular business units, 某些职位可能不需要一年工作12个月. In that event, 这些职位可能会在旺季或一年中需要的月份(如.e., 9 or 10 months of the year). 豁免或非豁免职位都有资格过渡.  Positions may be so transitioned either at the discretion of the supervisor or upon agreement between the supervisor and the employee, 但无论哪种情况,都要得到所在单位副教务长/校长或院长的批准.   尽管人们普遍预计,当职位无人占据时,职位将会如此过渡, 如果情况需要,在某一职位已被占用时进行此种过渡, then, 主管应适当通知(至少60天)即将过渡的员工.  当职位转变为减少的时间表和员工占据的职位, they can elect not to continue in their respective positions as of the last day it remains a 12-month position if the employee does not want to work a reduced schedule.  计划与大学终止雇佣关系的员工被要求提供至少两周的通知.

想要减少工作时间的员工必须与他们的主管讨论这个选择, 和主管必须获得其单位的副教务长/校长或院长的最终批准.  大学没有义务提供减少的时间表工作安排, but if one is approved, a written agreement signed by the employee, supervisor and Vice Provost/President or Dean, 必须制定文件,以记录所有相关方之间的理解, 哪些文字必须注明过渡生效的日期. Mutually agreed to transitions to a reduced schedule may take effect on any date so long as that date is at the start of a regular pay period, and no specific notice is required. 在制订这些协定时应与人力资源部协商,并将保留这些协定的副本.

In the case of exempt employees, 以符合适用的国税局规定, the employee’s salary will be spread over a 12 month period albeit they will earn a prorated amount which is less than a full 12 month salary would be. For example, if the employee earns $50,这名雇员现在一年只需要工作10个月, the employee’s prorated new salary would be $41,650, 哪些新工资将在整个日历年的12个月的适用工资期内继续支付. In the case of non-exempt employees, 他们将继续按照目前的工资标准支付实际工作时间, 这意味着他们在不工作的几个月里不会收到薪水.


In sum, vacation, sick leave, and personal day benefits for reduced schedule and part-time employees will be prorated based on or otherwise reflect the number of hours they are scheduled to work. Other benefits –  such as health, dental, vision, life insurance (basic and voluntary), short-term disability, long-term disability, 403(b)供款-将反映新的减少的工资和/或工作时间, 并将按照适用的大学政策和惯例收取和累积.

缩短工作时间(9个月或10个月)的员工在工作期间的福利将继续有效. In the case of exempt employees, 因为员工将以12个月为周期支付工资, 福利费用将继续从他们的工资中扣除.  In the case of non-exempt employees, 因为在他们不工作的几个月里,他们不会收到薪水, they will need to make arrangements through the Department of Human Resources to pay the premium associated with these benefits, 而那些没有做出这样安排的非豁免员工将会失去他们. 

有关大学福利的详细信息载于与每项福利相关的各自计划中, 这样的计划将在每一个实例中控制和管理.

To reiterate, employees and supervisors entering into either of part-time or reduced schedule arrangements must consult with Human Resources before finalizing an agreement, 所有此类安排的批准由该单位的副教务长/校长或院长自行决定.

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