
  • Professor of 生物医学工程
  • Professor of Chemical Engineering
  • Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs, 阿默尔工程学院
  • 访问ing Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Rush Medical College


Post-Doctoral Intern, Johnson Polymer, 2003-2004

Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2003

B.S. Chemical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, 1996


  1. Design of synthetic hydrogel scaffolds with tunable mechanical properties, material degradation and biochemical composition for guided cell behavior, and vascularized tissue regeneration
  2. Fabrication of cell-laden gradient-based scaffolds for regeneration of complex tissue interfaces 
  3. Development of nanoparticle emulsions for tissue targeted drug-delivery
  4. Development of polymerization models for estimation of hydrogel mesh dimensions and diffusivity of therapeutic compounds

社会兼职 & 会员资格

IAspire 领导 Academy Fellow, Cohort 3, 2021 - 2023

Department of 生物医学工程 Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award, 2018

Department of 生物医学工程 Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award, 2016

Invited Participant of the 1st AHA/ASA 研究 领导 Academy, 2016

University Excellence in Teaching Award-Illinois Institute of Technology, 2012

W. M. Langdon Excellence in Teaching Award for Chemical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, 1998

AIChE Chicago Section Harry McCormack Award Recipient, 1996

Doctoral Graduate 研究 Fellowship, Illinois Institute of Technology, 1996


有关出版物列表,请参见 格鲁吉亚Papavasiliou’s bibliography:

Selected peer-reviewed publications

  1. 他Y, 桑塔纳MF, Staneviciute一, 皮门特尔MB, 杨F, 是我, Kawaji K, Vaicik米, Abdulhadi R, Hibino N, Papavasiliou G. Cell-laden Gradient Hydrogel Scaffolds for Neovascularization of Engineered Tissues. 先进医疗保健材料. 10(7): 2001706, 2021 (封面特写).
  2. 他YJ, 桑塔纳米, Moucka米, 怪癖J, Shuaibi一, 皮门特尔MB, Wexler年代, 皮质J, Kawaji K, 拉希德, MM, Cinar一, Vaicik米, 金星D和 Papavasiliou G. Immobilized RGD concentration and Proteolytic Degradation Synergistically Enhance Vascular Sprouting within tunable Synthetic scaffolds of varying modulus. Journal of 生物材料科学, Polymer Edition. 31(3): 324-349, 2020 (封面特写)
  3. 博尔赫斯FTP, Papavasiliou G和Teymour F*. Characterizing the Molecular Architecture of Hydrogels and Crosslinked Polymer Networks beyond Flory–Rehner—I. 理论. 《生物高分子 21(12): 5104-5118, 2020.
  4. 皮门特尔MB, 博尔赫斯FTP泰摩·F, Zaborina OY, Alverdy JC, Kuili F, Hong SH, Staneviciute一, 他Y, Papavasiliou G. 在体外 screening of phosphate-based therapeutic attenuation of pathogen-induced matrix degradation using hydrogel nanocomposite platforms. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 8(2): 2454-2465, 2020.
  5. Nichols D, 皮门特尔MB, 博尔赫斯FTP, Hyojuh SK泰摩·F, Hong SH, Zaborina OY, Alverdy JC, Papavasiliou G. Sustained Release of Polyphosphate from Hydrogel Nanoparticles Suppresses Bacterial Collagenase and Biofilm Formation 在体外. Frontiers in Bioengineering and 生物技术. 7(153): doi: 10.3389 / fbioe.2019.00153, 2019.
  6. 他YJ, Young DA, Mededovic M, Li K, Li C, Tichauer K, Venerus D, Papavasiliou G. Protease-Sensitive Hydrogel Biomaterials with Tunable Modulus and Adhesion Ligand Gradients for 3D Vascular Sprouting. 《生物高分子. 18(11): 4168-4181, 2018.
  7. Young DA, 皮门特尔MB, Lima DL, Chen S, Lo WC, Custodio AF泰摩·F, and Papavasiliou G. Design and Characterization of Hydrogel Nanoparticles with Tunable Network Characteristics for Sustained Release of a VEFG mimetic Peptide. 生物材料科学. 5(10): 2079-2092, 2017.
  8. 阴Y, Papavasiliou G¥, Zaborina O, Alverdy J泰摩·F. De Novo Synthesis and Functional Analysis of Polyphosphate-Loaded Poly(ethylene) Glycol Hydrogel Nanoparticles Targeting Pyocyanin and Pyoverdin Production in Pseudomonas aeruginosa as a Model Intestinal Pathogen. Annals of 生物医学工程. 45(4): 1058-1068, 2016. (¥ equal contribution as first author)

  1. Papavasiliou G泰摩·F. “Nonlinear Dynamics in Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor Polymerization.” In: Nonlinear Dynamics in Polymeric Systems. 约翰一. Pojman and Qui Tran-Cong-Miyata (Editors), American Chemical Society, 2004, pp 309-323
  2. Papavasiliou GSokic S, Turturro MV. Synthetic PEG Hydrogels as Extracellular Matrix Mimics for Tissue Engineering Applications. In: 生物技术. Molecular Studies and Novel Applications for Improved Quality of Human Life,  Reda Sammour(编辑). InTech, ISBN: 979-953-307-738-2, 2012. doi: 10.5772/31695


设计、合成 & characterization of hydrogel biomaterials; cell biomaterial interactions; polymer reaction engineering; computational modeling of branched and crosslinked polymer systems; tissue engineering; regenerative medicine; drug delivery