Three students working in a lab wearing face masks


16,000–60,000 opportunities every day

More in Elevate

平均每天大脑会产生16000 - 60000个想法——想法、信念、梦想. 你为自己设想了什么?你怎样才能使它成为现实?

你需要现实世界的经验,这将使你进入一个伟大的职业生涯,我们保证你将有威尼斯人平台参加实习等经验, research, study away, competitions, and more. 另外,你需要个人指导和找到一份好工作的信心.

Illinois Tech’s one-of-a-kind Elevate 计划确保我们将把您的成功和您的生活放在首位. Make your dream a reality.

Watch this video to learn how to sign up


Your Elevate Journey

How does our Elevate promise work? 这里有一个循序渐进的指南,描述我们如何绘制你的成功之路.

Student working on equipment

1. Take Part in Hands-on Experiences

  • 实习、研究、学习、比赛——找到最适合你的经历.
  • 然后作为威尼斯人平台的本科生参加至少两次保证的Elevate体验.*
Adviser speaking to student

2. Receive Personalized Mentorship

  • You’ll receive continued guidance from career advisers, academic mentors, and more.
  • 我们将帮助您规划从大学课程到职业道路的一切. 这包括将你与高价值的专业经验和社交威尼斯人平台联系起来,这将对你的职业生涯产生巨大影响.
student graduating holding up diploma

3. Become Career Ready

  • 受过良好的教育,有丰富的实战经验, 你会自信地进入你一直计划的职业生涯.

Watch this video to learn how to sign up

* Terms and conditions apply. For instance, 学生必须在威尼斯人平台保持良好的学术地位,并满足Elevate项目的要求,才能保持资格.

Experience Is the Difference


Of Employers Seek Job Candidates with Work Experience

(National Association of Colleges and Employers)



(National Association of Colleges and Employers)


Illinois Tech Career Placement Rate

(among 2022 graduates reporting)

Students working in the Idea Shop

Experiences Await

Current Illinois Tech students, 请查看可供选择的丰富的Elevate体验列表.

View Opportunities

Life-changing Internship

Seth Graham (Mechanical Engineering/M.Eng. 机械与航空航天工程五年级)解释了在美国国家航空航天局喷气推进实验室的令人兴奋的实习和威尼斯人平台的教育如何使他走上了梦想工作的轨道.

Experience in Action

DMG Mori machine 1280x850

与全球创新公司DMG MORI的合作使学生能够使用专业的数字制造设备并获得实践, hands-on experience right on campus.


设计/建造工作室的建筑系学生可以获得设计方面的实践经验, fabricating, and building a structure with a community, with projects taking them around the world. 智利的一个项目获得了2021年罗伯塔·费尔德曼建筑社会正义奖的优异奖.

Photo of Marissa Redington

Got Skills?

我们的Elevate项目保证你将有威尼斯人平台参加精彩的实习, study away, research, 以及其他能教会你21世纪技能的经历. You’ll practice creativity, problem solving, design thinking, innovation, 还有团队合作——把你所受的教育和雇主所需要的现实技能联系起来.

See What Marissa Learned
Illinois Tech student speaking to two individuals

Graduate with Confidence

一项针对大学生的全国性调查显示,有过实习经历的学生, 以及那些参加职业准备活动,如网络和社会资本建设的人, 毕业生对自己的工作技能和职业规划比那些没有信心的学生更有信心. Elevate让你在毕业后能够迅速投入工作. (Strada Center for Education Consumer Insights)

“Elevate gave me my first notable professional experience. 它为我提供了拓展人脉的威尼斯人平台,也让我有能力与不同学术背景的研究人员互动.”

-Alysia DeSimone(化学工程三年级),宾夕法尼亚州唐宁镇

“在初创公司实习可以让你产生真正的影响. 你可能会与公司的首席执行官或创始人一起工作,并了解一家年轻公司的情况.”

—Marissa Redington (Biomedical Engineering/M.S. Biomedical Engineering 2nd Year)

“在芝加哥,实习和职业威尼斯人平台更容易获得, 市中心有数百个职位,离校园只有很短的火车车程. My internship at a world-class company, Exelon, 是我人生中最有价值的经历之一,并导致了我毕业后的工作吗.”

—Miles Thompson (Business Administration ’20), Associate Supply Business Operations Specialist, Exelon Corporation

“我在NASA的实习为我上大学做了准备,因为它教会了我管理时间等技能,也让我有了与团队合作的经验. 在NASA的这段时间让我准备好继续在学校努力学习,以便将来有更多的实习威尼斯人平台.”

—Kaya Jones (Computer Science 2nd Year)

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