Joseph Orgel

  • Professor of Biology and Biomedical Engineering
  • Affiliate Professor, Stuart School of Business


B.Sc. (Hons) University of Stirling
Ph.D. University of Stirling

Research Interests

约瑟夫·奥格尔(Joseph Orgel)教授是伊利诺斯理工学院的英裔美国科学家,过去和现在都在生物学领域任职, ucic物理与生物医学工程与应用健康科学客座教授. 他的研究兴趣是与疾病的理解和治疗有直接联系的基本结构生物化学问题. Using unique techniques developed by Orgel, 他的团队已经能够可视化结缔组织和神经组织的分子组织,分辨率不到十亿分之一米. 约瑟夫·奥格尔(Joseph Orgel)与美国陆军合作,领导了对阿尔茨海默氏症和创伤性脑损伤等脑部病理疾病以及心脏病和关节炎等结缔组织疾病的研究, at the National Institutes of Health Biotechnology Research Resource, BioCAT, as Associate Director. An awardee of the United States National Science Foundation's CAREER award, he has been Biochemistry Section Editor of the Public Library of Science Journal, 2012年12月,他加入the National Museum of Health and Medicine(芝加哥)的董事会.

Professional Affiliations & Memberships


  • United States National Science Foundation – 2007 CAREER Award: Research & educational contributions
  • 科尔曼基金会企业家奖学金(IIT), 2015年、2016年、2017年,2018年、2019年
  • 伊利诺伊理工学院科学与文学学院院长卓越研究奖, 2006, 2010
  • American Heart Association Scientist Development Award, 2004


  • “Molecular Tissue Responses to Mechanical Loading.” JPRO Orgel. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(4), 2074 (2022). Corresponding Author and Editor.
  • “Contrasting Local and Macroscopic Effects of Collagen Hydroxylation.” S. Varma, JPRO Orgel, JD Scheiber, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (16), 9068 (2021).
  • ​"Collagen Structure-Function Mapping Informs Applications for Regenerative Medicine." JD San Antonio*, O Jacenko, A Fertala, JPRO Orgel. Bioengineering 8 (1), 3 (2021). Senior Author.
  • 脑实质和脑血管种子Aβ原纤维的原子水平差异." Kathryn P Scherpelz, Songlin Wang, Peter Pytel, Rama S Madhurapantula, Atul K Srivastava, Joseph R Sachleben, Joseph Orgel, Yoshitaka Ishii, Stephen C Meredith*. Scientific Reports 11(1), 1-14 (2021). 
  • 动态应变下心脏瓣膜分子力学性能的先进方法与初步测量.” Rama S Madhurapantula, Gabriel Krell, Berenice Morfin, Rajarshi Roy, Kevin Lister, Joseph PRO Orgel*. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(3), 763; (2020). Corresponding Author.
  • 纤维I型胶原蛋白中免疫球蛋白受体结合序列的超结构定位和相互作用.” Jie Zhu, Rama S. Madhurapantula, Aruna Kalyanasundaram, Tanya Sabharwal, Olga Antipova, Sandra W. Bishnoi, Joseph P.R.O. Orgel*. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(11), 4166 (2020). Corresponding Author.
  • 2020 Xu, Yifei; Nudelman, Fabio; Eren, E Deniz; Wirix, Maarten JM; Cantaert, Bram; Nijhuis, Wouter H; Hermida-Merino, Daniel; Portale, Giuseppe; Bomans, Paul HH; Ottmann, Christian. Intermolecular Channels Direct Crystal Orientation in Mineralized Collagen. BioRxiv.
  • 2020 Zhu, Jie; Madhurapantula, Rama S; Kalyanasundaram, Aruna; Sabharwal, Tanya; Antipova, Olga; Bishnoi, Sandra W; Orgel, Joseph PRO. 纤维型胶原中免疫球蛋白受体结合序列的超微结构定位和相互作用. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Vol. 21, No. 11. 4166.
  • 2020 Madhurapantula, Rama S; Krell, Gabriel; Morfin, Berenice; Roy, Rajarshi; Lister, Kevin; Orgel, Joseph PRO. 动态应变下心脏瓣膜分子和力学性能的先进方法和初步测量. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Vol. 21, No. 3. 763.
  • 2019 Orgel, Joseph PRO; Madhurapantula, Rama S. 胶原受体如DDR及其与胶原原纤维结合的结构展望. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Cell Research. Vol. 1866, No. 11.
  • 2019 Orgel, Joseph; Madhurapantula, Rama S; Eidsmore, Ashley; Wang, Meng; Dutov, Pavel; Modrich, Charles D; Antipova, Olga; McDonald, Jason; Satapathy, Sikhanda. x射线衍射揭示了离体神经元组织纳米级结构变化的钝力加载阈值. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. Vol. 26, No. 1. 89-95. 118478.
  • 2018 Madhurapantula RS, Orgel JPRO. x射线衍射检测原位天然胶原交联和非酶糖基化在加速器物理中产生的d -周期位置. Ahmad I and Maaza M (eds). IntecOpen. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.71022
  • 2017 Orgel JPRO, Sella I, Madhurapantula RS, Antipova O, Mandelberg Y, Kashman Y, Benayahu D, Benayahu Y. Molecular and ultrastructural studies of a fibrillar collagen from octocoral (Cnidaria). J Exp Biol. 2017. 220(Pt 18):3327-3335. DOI: 10.1242/jeb.163824
  • 2016 Varma S, Orgel JP, Schieber JD. Nanomechanics of Type I Collagen. Biophysical journal. 111(1):50-6. PMID: 27410733, PMCID: PMC4945622
  • 2016 Dutov P, Antipova O, Varma S, Orgel JP, Schieber JD. Measurement of Elastic Modulus of Collagen Type I Single Fiber. PloS one. 11(1):e0145711. PMID: 26800120, PMCID: PMC4723153
  • 2015 Varma S, Botlani M, Hammond JR, Scott HL, Orgel JP, Schieber JD. 内外部因素对I型胶原模拟d波段长度的影响. Proteins. 2015; 83(10):1800-12. PMID: 26214145
  • 2015 Kim T, Sridharan I, Zhu B, Orgel J, Wang R. 碳纳米管对胶原纤维结构、刚度装配动力学和干细胞分化的影响. Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications. 49:281-9. PMID: 25686951
  • 2014 Barrea RA, Antipova O, Gore D, Heurich R, Vukonich M, Kujala NG, Irving TC, Orgel JP. 生物样品在先进光子源BioCAT光束线18-ID上的x射线微衍射研究. Journal of synchrotron radiation. 21(Pt 5):1200-5. PMID: 25178013, PMCID: PMC4151685
  • 2014 Zeltz C, Orgel J, Gullberg D. 整合素型胶原胶导入COLINBRIs的分子组成及功能. Biochimica et biophysica acta. 1840(8):2533-48. PMID: 24361615
  • 2014 Orgel JP, Persikov AV, Antipova O. Variation in the helical structure of native collagen. PloS one. 9(2):e89519. PMID: 24586843, PMCID: PMC3933592
  • 2014 Orgel JP, Irving TC. Advances in Fiber Diffraction of Macromolecular Assembles. Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry. 1-26.
  • 2012 Sampath S, Isdebski T, Jenkins JE, Ayon JV, Henning RW, Orgel JP, Antipoa O, Yarger JL. 主要和次要壶形拖蛛丝内纳米晶和非晶结构的x射线衍射研究. Soft matter. 8(25):6713-6722. NIHMSID: NIHMS380877 PMID: 23569461, PMCID: PMC3617558
  • 2012 Bertassoni LE, Orgel JP, Antipova O, Swain MV. 牙本质有机基质-修复性牙科在纳米尺度上隐藏的局限性. Acta biomaterialia. 8(7):2419-33. PMID: 22414619, PMCID: PMC3473357
  • 2012 Antipova O, Orgel JP. biglycan抗体对胶原纤维的非酶分解和类风湿关节炎的似是而非的机制. PloS one. 7(3):e32241. PMID: 22427827, PMCID: PMC3302792
  • 2011 Landahl EC, Antipova O, Bongaarts A, Barrea R, Berry R, Binder LI, Irving T, Orgel J, Vana L, Rice SE. X-ray diffraction from intact tau aggregates in human brain tissue. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment. 649(1):184-187. NIHMSID: NIHMS263705 PMID: 21876609, PMCID: PMC3162212
  • 2011 Cloe AL, Orgel JP, Sachleben JR, Tycko R, Meredith SC. The Japanese mutant Aβ (ΔE22-Aβ(1-39)) forms fibrils instantaneously, 低硫黄素T荧光:通过ΔE22-Aβ(1-39)将野生型Aβ(1-40)播种到非典型原纤维中. Biochemistry. 50(12):2026-39. NIHMSID: NIHMS430818 PMID: 21291268, PMCID: PMC3631511
  • 2011 Orgel JP, San Antonio JD, Antipova O. Molecular and structural mapping of collagen fibril interactions. Connective tissue research. 52(1):2-17. PMID: 21182410
  • 2011 Orgel JP, Antipova O, Sagi I, Bitler A, Qiu D, Wang R, Xu Y, San Antonio JD. 胶原原纤维表面显示了一系列能够促进原纤维组装的位点, stability, and hemostasis. Connective tissue research. 52(1):18-24. NIHMSID: NIHMS342341 PMID: 21117898, PMCID: PMC3244825
  • 2011 San Antonio JD, Schweitzer MH, Jensen ST, Kalluri R, Buckley M, Orgel JP. Dinosaur peptides suggest mechanisms of protein survival. PloS one. 6(6):e20381. PMID: 21687667, PMCID: PMC3110760
  • 2010 Antipova O, Orgel JP. In situ D-periodic molecular structure of type II collagen. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2010; 285(10):7087-96. PMID: 20056598, PMCID: PMC2844158
  • 2009 Orgel JP, Eid A, Antipova O, Bella J, Scott JE. Decorin核心蛋白(decoron)形状补充胶原原纤维表面结构并介导其结合. PloS one. 4(9):e7028. PMID: 19753304, PMCID: PMC2737631
  • 2009 Tycko R, Sciarretta KL, Orgel JP, Meredith SC. Evidence for novel beta-sheet structures in Iowa mutant beta-amyloid fibrils. Biochemistry. 48(26):6072-84. NIHMSID: NIHMS153357 PMID: 19358576, PMCID: PMC2910621
  • 2009 Orgel JP. On the molecular packing of collagen. Acta. Cryst. D65:1009-1010.
  • 2008 Sweeney SM, Orgel JP, Fertala A, McAuliffe JD, Turner KR, Di Lullo GA, Chen S, Antipova O, Perumal S, Ala-Kokko L, Forlino A, Cabral WA, Barnes AM, Marini JC, San Antonio JD. Candidate cell and matrix interaction domains on the collagen fibril, the predominant protein of vertebrates. The Journal of biological chemistry. 283(30):21187-97. PMID: 18487200, PMCID: PMC2475701
  • 2008 Perumal S, Antipova O, Orgel JP. Collagen fibril architecture, domain organization, and triple-helical conformation govern its proteolysis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105(8):2824-9. PMID: 18287018, PMCID: PMC2268544
  • 2007 Darnell G, Orgel JP, Pahl R, Meredith SC. 侧翼脯氨酸序列通过诱导ppii样螺旋结构抑制聚谷氨酰胺片段的β -片结构. Journal of molecular biology. 374(3):688-704. PMID: 17945257
  • 2007 Twardowski T, Fertala A, Orgel JP, San Antonio JD. Type I collagen and collagen mimetics as angiogenesis promoting superpolymers. Current pharmaceutical design. 13(35):3608-21. PMID: 18220798
  • 2006 Orgel JP. Surface-active helices in transmembrane proteins. Current protein & peptide science. 7(6):553-60. PMID: 17168788
  • 2006 Orgel JP, Irving TC, Miller A, Wess TJ. Microfibrillar structure of type I collagen in situ. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103(24):9001-5. PMID: 16751282, PMCID: PMC1473175
  • 2005 Lazar KL, Miller-Auer H, Getz GS, Orgel JP, Meredith SC. 螺旋-螺旋-螺旋肽形成α -螺旋原纤维:螺旋序列驱动原纤维结构. Biochemistry. 2005; 44(38):12681-9. PMID: 16171382
  • 2005 Barrea R, Gore D, Kondrashkina E, Weng T, Heurich R, Vukonich M, Orgel J, Davidson M, Collingwood J, Mikhaylova A, Irving T. The BioCAT Microprobe for X-ray Fluorescence Imaging, MicroXAFS and Microdiffraction Studies on Biological Samples. Proc. 8th Int. Conf. X-ray Microscopy IPAP Conf. 7:230-232.
  • 2004 Orgel JP. 序列背景和改进的疏水矩图有助于识别跨膜蛋白结构预测中的“水平”表面螺旋. Journal of structural biology. 148(1):51-65. PMID: 15363787
  • 2004 Rasgado-Flores H, Taylor SR, Pena-Rasgado C, Orgel J, Gonzalez-Serratos H. Muscle contraction and cell volume changes in skeletal muscle. Journal of muscle research and cell motility. 25(8):592-5. PMID: 16118848
  • 2003 Laing J, Orgel J, Dubochet J, Al-Amoudi A, Wess T, Cameron G, Laurie C. 大鼠尾腱在室温和低温下的x射线衍射——纤维衍射的比较. 11:119-123.
  • 2002 Orgel J, Miller A, Irving T, Wess T. 最近对天然I型胶原蛋白的三维分子包装结构的见解. Fibre Diffraction Review. 10:40-50.
  • 2001 Orgel JP, Miller A, Irving TC, Fischetti RF, Hammersley AP, Wess TJ. The in situ supermolecular structure of type I collagen. Structure. 9(11):1061-9. PMID: 11709170
  • 2000 Orgel JP, Wess TJ, Miller A. I型胶原分子间交联非螺旋端肽的原位构象和轴向位置. Structure. 8(2):137-42. PMID: 10673433
  • 2000 Wess TJ, Orgel JP. Changes in collagen structure: drying, dehydrothermal treatment and relation to long term deterioration. Thermochimica Acta. 365:119-128.
  • 2000 Wess TJ, Alberts I, Cameron G, Laurie C, Orgel J, Hiller J, Nielsen-Marsh C, Balthazar V, Drakopoulos M, Pollard M, Collins M. Small angle X-ray scattering reveals; changes of bone mineral habit and size in archaeological bone samples Fibre Diffraction Review. 9:36-43.
  • 1999 Miller A, Orgel J, Wess T. X-ray studies on biological fibres. Fibre Diffraction Review. 8:27-31.


Editorial Boards

  • PLoS ONE, Editorial Board member since 2007
  • PLoS ONE, Sector Editor, Biochemistry since 2008


  • Extracellular matrix biology and collagen structure, protein structure, macromolecular and fiber crystallography
  • Orgel实验室专门研究细胞外基质(ECM)在分子水平上的功能和组织, amyloid structure and polymerization and membrane proteins. It is a multi-disciplinary team composed of undergraduates, postgraduates, postdocs and the PI using a variety of biochemical, 生物物理和计算技术,包括(但不限于)x射线纤维衍射, single crystal crystallography, micro-diffraction, circular dichroism, electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, molecular modeling, bioinformatics peptide synthesis and fibril polymerization and association studies.

Additional Info

Joseph Orgel

Contact Information

312.567.3398 312.567.3494 132 Technology Park Building