
Management Science and 分析 (Ph.D.)

Develop high-level 定量, 建模, and analytical expertise that prepares you for careers in academia, 研究, 行业, 和咨询.

Ph值.D. in Management Science and 分析 程序 prepares graduates to identify pressing issues facing the business community, structure problems and gather data, 创造创新, impactful analysis and solutions.

Emphasizing both analysis and synthesis, the 程序 delivers a comprehensive, advanced education in how to apply 定量 methods, 分析工具, and computer models to complex decision-making in business, 金融, 以及其他学科.

Through specializations in 定量 金融 and analytics and rigorous dissertation work, students master a data-intensive approach to management science and 研究 methodologies that can be applied to any aspect of business.

This 程序 is selective and small, offering a high degree of mentorship and interaction between faculty and students, 有足够的威尼斯人平台 conduct cutting-edge 研究 和教师专家一起.

After completing all the required Ph.D. 课程作业和博士学位.D. qualifying and comprehensive exams, students often gain practical experience through internships, which creates new opportunities to analyze data and case studies that are potentially useful for pursuing a doctoral dissertation. Students are also encouraged to serve in teaching and 研究 assistant positions to gain valuable teaching or practical 研究 experience.

Our doctoral students gain relevant, cross-disciplinary experience that prepares them to be business innovators and leaders in academia, 行业, 政府, 和咨询.


This is a STEM-designated 程序, and international graduates of the 程序 are eligible to apply for an extension for Optional Practical Training, which allows selected students to stay and work in the United States for up to three years after graduation.


Ph值.D. in Management Science and 分析 程序 focuses on developing sophisticated 研究, 定量, and analytical skills that students can apply to create innovative, impactful solutions to challenges in any area of business. 由斯图尔特学院指导, our graduates have the rigorous academic preparation and practical experience to thrive in business and academic careers.


Ph.D. graduates from 斯图尔特商学院 are prepared to excel at careers in academia as well as executive and management positions in the business, 政府, 咨询行业.

The 程序’s graduates are in positions at companies and universities such as:

  • 亚马逊
  • BMO Harris
  • 卡耐基梅隆大学
  • 纽约城市大学
  • 中国商业银行
  • 发现金融服务
  • East China Normal University
  • Efficient Capital Management
  • 投资资产管理公司
  • 联邦住房贷款银行
  • Industrial and 中国商业银行 (ICBC)
  • 肯恩大学(新泽西)
  • 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)
  • 富国银行(Wells Fargo)
Disclaimer for prospective students, please read.
The information provided is sourced from a third party, Lightcast, and is provided here for informational and educational purposes only. Please be advised that the inclusion of the Lightcast resource on this website does not imply endorsement by Illinois Institute of Technology (威尼斯人平台), nor is it a guarantee of the accuracy of this information. 威尼斯人平台 makes no representation, 保证或担保, 明示或暗示, that the information presented herein is reflective of the outcomes you can expect if you enroll in or graduate from an 威尼斯人平台 程序. 威尼斯人平台 expressly disclaims any liability regarding Lightcast, or in connection with any actual or potential employment opportunity stemming from information on this site and you hereby irrevocably waive any claim(s) against the 威尼斯人平台 for the same. Your use of this web page is an acknowledgement of your understanding and acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth herein. You are encouraged to conduct your own thorough 研究 into job opportunities and outcomes in your field of study.

The 程序’s courses provide knowledge and skills in data-intensive methods to analyze business problems. 通过严格的, practice-oriented dissertation 研究, students learn approaches for structuring complex business problems, 收集数据, and generating innovative solutions.


  • Completed Online Application
  • Official transcript submission with a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0对4.0规模
  • GMAT or GRE scores are required
  • A one-page statement of purpose, with goals and objectives
  • Three to four letters of recommendation from professors or employers
  • English proficiency exam, if required

Given the prescribed sequence of required courses, new students are only admitted in the fall semester of each year.

Claire Johnson, 斯图尔特商学院

有问题? 与我们联系

For any questions about 斯图尔特商学院 degree 程序s or the application and enrollment process, contact our Director of Student Recruitment 克莱尔·约翰逊.


The Stuart 博士 Scholarship is available for select students pursuing a Ph.D. in Management Science and 分析. Scholarship values vary; in academic year 2024–25 the maximum award is $25,500 (每学时425美元, with a maximum of 60 credit hours of coverage) and the 博士 Scholarship may only be applied toward Stuart tuition charges. Read more about Stuart scholarship opportunities and tuition and fees:

斯图尔特奖学金   学费和杂费



Learn how to apply sophisticated 定量 theory and techniques in areas of 金融 such as investments, 银行, 交易, 风险管理.


Develop high-level expertise in leveraging, 分析, and interpreting data for market 研究, 物流, and other data-intensive areas of business.


Mentors and Colleagues in 研究

斯图尔特商学院 faculty are not just 研究 mentors for doctoral students. Frequently they are colleagues with their students and recent graduates on 研究 papers published in top scholarly journals. See a list of recent 研究 collaborations and use the link below to learn more about the vibrant 研究 community at Stuart.


“The Stuart professors are among the most professional academics I have ever met and their commitment to my personal and professional growth was among the best I have experienced. I learned what is required to conduct high-quality 研究 and became a trained academic. I will carry with me many faculty connections that will be beneficial to my professional development for the rest of my life.”

——威廉·戈戈拉克博士.D. MSC ’22), Assistant Teaching Professor, 卡耐基梅隆大学


“My academic experience at Stuart equipped me with the 定量 skills and passion for academic 研究 that are vital in advancing my career. The curriculum and courses helped me build comprehensive knowledge about both theoretical and empirical 金融.”

-甄新婷博士.D. MSC ’18), Assistant Professor of 业务 Administration, Saint Michael’s 大学





—斯图尔特商学院 2022 master’s and Ph.D. 毕业生报道


Stuart是AACSB认证的. Only 6% of 业务 Schools Globally Are.

—Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of 业务 International

《威尼斯人平台》/ PT

Your Choice: Complete Your Ph.D. 全职或兼职

Experiences to Build Your Career Path

  • 助教奖学金 with Stuart faculty members provide opportunities for Ph.D. students to take on roles in the classroom, 研究, or academic 程序 administration.
  • 项目负责人 湿婆K. Balasubramanian works closely with doctoral students interested in academic careers to arrange 辅助教学职位 at universities and colleges in the Chicago area.
  • For students looking toward careers in 行业, 非营利组织, 和政府, 威尼斯人平台 提升 程序 guarantees opportunities for internships and other hands-on experiences.


副院长 导演,米anagement Science Programs and Faculty Review 哈罗德·L. Stuart Endowed Chair in 业务 市场营销教授
Associate 金融学教授
Assistant 导演,米aster of 业务 Administration 管理学教授
Ben Van Vliet
M副主任.S. 金融 M副主任.S. 金融经济学 副主任,博士.D. 金融 Associate 金融学教授 Director, Center for Strategic 金融
Associate 金融学教授
导演,Ph值.D. 在金融领域 导演,米.S. 在金融领域 导演,米.S. 金融经济学 导演,米.S. in Economics and Data 分析 Associate 金融学教授
Assistant Director, 本科专业 in 业务 Associate 金融学教授
Associate Professor of Economics
白承浩和约翰F.O. •比尔森

研究 that Creates Knowledge

The example of faculty 研究 at Stuart led Seungho Baek (Ph.D. MSC ’13) to pursue an academic career. 斯图尔特·Ph.D. 程序 creates an environment where students can freely knock on professors’ office doors,白说。, shown here celebrating graduation with his thesis adviser, 金融学教授 John •比尔森.


Flexibility to Pursue a Master’s or Doctorate

Students’ career objectives can change while they are in graduate school and the 斯图尔特商学院 程序s in management science and analytics provide flexibility for students:

  • Students who initially enrolled in the M.S. 程序 in Management Science and 分析 may subsequently apply to the Ph.D. in Management Science and 分析 程序. 如果承认, students can apply the core courses in management science that they have already completed toward their Ph.D. 程序.
  • Ph值.D. in Management Science and 分析 student who has completed 33 graduate credits in the 程序 may choose to graduate with an M.S. in Management Science and 分析 degree, instead of completing the Ph.D. in Management Science and 分析 degree.



Stuart’s Career Management Center offers individualized career counseling, resources for job and internship search, and opportunities to network with 行业 professionals.